Baseball Ontario has created a user guide for coaches on how to use the pitch count app.
The Baseball Ontario Pitch Count app is available to anyone in Ontario to access as a guest user. Guest users can view rosters and pitch count information for any team in the province. Coaches will have access to adding pitch counts and inputting games.
The Pitch Count app account set up is triggered by the upload of your roster into the Pitch Count system. Once you submit your roster, it must be approved by your Affiliate Registrar. As soon as it is approved and received by the OBA office with a valid email address attached to the coach, it will be uploaded into the system and you will receive an email to sign up.
The Pitch Count app is available through the Google Play Store and the App Store.
Questions? Email Baseball Ontario at [email protected] or,
Justin Snively, Rep Commissioner
[email protected]
Coaches can find the user guide in our documents library found here:
Documents Library