Note from our President: Allan Ebert, News (Western Counties Baseball)

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May 31, 2021 | Admin | 820 views
Note from our President: Allan Ebert
As all of you are aware, the future of our baseball season remains uncertain.  The OBA is working with the provincial government to modify their current re-opening plans as it relates to our sport, but so far we have nothing definitive to report.  Although it’s a moving target, we are hoping to have some form of shortened baseball season – but who knows at this point.  The OBA does not yet know whether or not they will be able to host provincial playoffs this summer.

We are asking each local to let our registrar know what teams they are planning to field, when they know.  The registrar will send this information to our convenors so that they can help out as best as they can from an age group perspective.  Please copy both Linda and Karen with this information when its available.


Given the moving target with respect to whether or not we might be able to get teams playing against each other this season, the convenors will not likely be able to make up a schedule.  I expect that this season will be more about small groups of teams, two or three in a bubble playing home and away series.  The provincial re-opening rules and the OBA Return to Sport protocol will determine how this will play out.  The OBA RTS document can be found in the On-Deck app and the OBA website.  The convenors will provide whatever support they can to the teams when they are finally allowed to begin competition.


If a local chooses not to field teams in 2021, their players will be allowed to move to locals that are fielding teams.  Player movement will be allowed without the requirement for a release – 2021 will be a release free season from the affiliate perspective.  The idea is to provide opportunities for as many players as possible to be involved with our sport this summer.  However, players that move locals under these conditions are not covered by the 2yr grandfathering rule (WCBA Constitution 11 f) ).


WCBA will not address any release requests this year.  This is an unusual season, and it make no sense to deal with releases in such an unusual circumstance.  Presumably for 2022 we will be back to normal and we will resume dealing with registration and releases the way we have traditionally done in the past.


Also a reminder that you will have to purchase insurance from the OBA before any of your teams begin activities.


In the meantime if you have any questions, feel free to contact myself, or any member of our executive.  We will contact you when we have new information to share.


Stay safe…


Allan Ebert

President, WCBA