AGM Annouced / Message from Allan Ebert, News (Western Counties Baseball)

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Feb 24, 2021 | Admin | 649 views
AGM Annouced / Message from Allan Ebert
It is hard to believe that we are now well into 2021 and it has been nearly a year since COVID first arrived and began to change our lives in so many ways.  I hope all of you are safe and well.  I thank all of you for your patience and support over the last year.

Currently Lambton County, Chatham-Kent and London-Middlesex are in the red “Control” provincial ranking.

  1. This means that our sport organizations in WCBA may begin some limited activities per the provincial red requirements and OBA requirements.  Indoor workouts are allowed subject to the provincial requirements, the requirements of the facility itself, and of course the OBA requirements.  The latest version of the Return to Sport Protocol was issued by the OBA last October and is available in the OnDeck App.  If you are unable to access a copy, contact me directly and I will send you one.  The familiar restrictions regarding number of people, spacing, sanitation, equipment sharing etc. are in place as they were last year.  Maximum of 10 players and coaches
  2. A reminder that you can not travel from a red zone to an orange zone to participate in a sport activity.
As for the rest of the playing season this summer – I have no update.  The status of the season will depend on the virus, and how the province responds to the situation at the time.  As we all know this is a moving target.

Our AGM is planned for Tuesday March 30 @7:30 pm.  I plan to do this as an online meeting.  When I have the arrangements made, we will forward the details.  As always, we are looking for people to join the Executive, so if you have anyone that you would like to nominate to stand for election, please let Linda know and she will gather the nominations.  Due to the fact that we didn’t have a season of any kind last year, I expect that our AGM will be quite short – we will have a few reports, an update on finances and hold our election as required by the constitution.

This is all I have to share at this point… please stay safe…

Allan Ebert
